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Description [HasDescription]
ID HasDescription
UUID 5b1bad25-fdfa-46e2-ac37-91365605cf0c
Label Description
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Showing 20 pages using this property.
An product that is manufactured or refined and ready for commercialization.  +
An uncharged subatomic particle found in the atomic nucleus.  +
An uncharged vector boson that mediate the weak interaction.  +
Analytical methods in which electrochemical processes or phenomena are the core of the measurement principle involving electrochemical cells providing qualitative and quantitative responses.  +
Angle between the scattered ray and the lattice plane.  +
Angular frequency divided by angular wavenumber.  +
Angular frequency of the electron angular momentum vector precession about the axis of an external magnetic field.  +
Angular measure between the positive real axis and the radius of the polar representation of the complex number in the complex plane.  +
Any constitutionally or isotopically distinct atom, molecule, ion, ion pair, radical, radical ion, complex, conformer etc., identifiable as a separately distinguishable entity.  +
Any interaction that, when unopposed, will change the motion of an object  +
Any junction between two electrolyte solutions of different composition.  +
Arctan of the loss factor  +
Area of electrode - solution interface.  +
Arithmetic average of (electric field strength multiplied by electric flux density) and (magnetic field strength multiplied by magnetic flux density)  +
Arrays are ordered mathematical objects who's elementary spatial parts are numbers. Their dimensionality is constructed with spatial direct parthood, where 1-dimensional arrays have spatial direct parts Number and n-dimensional array have spatial direct parts (n-1)-dimensional arrays.  +
At a given point within a domain of quasi-infinitesimal volume V, vector quantity equal to the magnetic area moment m of the substance contained within the domain divided by the volume V.  +
At a given point within a domain of quasi-infinitesimal volume V, vector quantity equal to the electric dipole moment p of the substance contained within the domain divided by the volume V.  +
At a point fixed in a medium with a temperature field, scalar quantity λ characterizing the ability of the medium to transmit heat through a surface element containing that point: φ = −λ grad T, where φ is the density of heat flow rate and T is thermodynamic temperature.  +
At a point in a fluid, the product of mass density and velocity.  +
At a point on the surface separating two media with different thermodynamic temperatures, magnitude of the density of heat flow rate φ divided by the absolute value of temperature difference ΔT.  +
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Description (en) +
5b1bad25-fdfa-46e2-ac37-91365605cf0c +
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