
Category:OSW7286b164df4c4c14a4b5d41ad9c121f3 /
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Coded [OSW7286b164df4c4c14a4b5d41ad9c121f3]
ID OSW7286b164df4c4c14a4b5d41ad9c121f3
UUID 7286b164-df4c-4c14-a4b5-d41ad9c121f3
Label Coded
Machine compatible name Coded
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A conventional that stands for an object according to a code of interpretation to which the interpreter refers.

Type(s)/Category(s) EmmoTerm
  • A conventional referring to an object according to a specific code that reflects the results of a specific interaction mechanism and is shared between other interpreters.
  • A coded is always a partial representation of an object since it reflects the object capability to be part of a specific determination. A coded is a sort of name or label that we put upon objects that interact with an determiner in the same specific way.

    For example, "hot" objects are objects that interact with an observer through a perception mechanism aimed to perceive an heat source. The code is made of terms such as "hot", "warm", "cold", that commonly refer to the perception of heat. [en]

    • Let's define the class Colour as the subclass of the coded signs that involve photon emission and electromagnetic radiation sensible observers.

    An individual C of this class Colour can be defined be declaring the process individual (e.g. daylight illumination) and the observer (e.g. my eyes) Stating that an entity E hasCoded C, we mean that it can be observed by such setup of process + observer (i.e. observed by my eyes under daylight). This definition can be specialised for human eye perception, so that the observer can be a generic human, or to camera perception so that the observer can be a device.

    This can be used in material characterization, to define exactly the type of measurement done, including the instrument type. [en]
    text"A conventional that stands for an object according to a code of interpretation to which the interpreter refers."
    text"A conventional referring to an object according to a specific code that reflects the results of a specific interaction mechanism and is shared between other interpreters. A coded is always a partial representation of an object since it reflects the object capability to be part of a specific determination. A coded is a sort of name or label that we put upon objects that interact with an determiner in the same specific way. For example, "hot" objects are objects that interact with an observer through a perception mechanism aimed to perceive an heat source. The code is made of terms such as "hot", "warm", "cold", that commonly refer to the perception of heat."
    text"Let's define the class Colour as the subclass of the coded signs that involve photon emission and electromagnetic radiation sensible observers. An individual C of this class Colour can be defined be declaring the process individual (e.g. daylight illumination) and the observer (e.g. my eyes) Stating that an entity E hasCoded C, we mean that it can be observed by such setup of process + observer (i.e. observed by my eyes under daylight). This definition can be specialised for human eye perception, so that the observer can be a generic human, or to camera perception so that the observer can be a device. This can be used in material characterization, to define exactly the type of measurement done, including the instrument type."

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