
Description [HasDescription]
ID HasDescription
UUID 5b1bad25-fdfa-46e2-ac37-91365605cf0c
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Showing 20 pages using this property.
A manufacturing process whose product is the result of the combination of more substances.  +
A material in which distributed particles of one phase are dispersed in a different continuous phase.  +
A material in which the mobile species are ions and free movement of electrons is blocked.  +
A material is a crystal if it has essentially a sharp diffraction pattern. A solid is a crystal if it has essentially a sharp diffraction pattern. The word essentially means that most of the intensity of the diffraction is concentrated in relatively sharp Bragg peaks, besides the always present diffuse scattering. In all cases, the positions of the diffraction peaks can be expressed by H=∑ni=1hia∗i (n≥3)  +
A material relation in electrochemistry.  +
A material that is obtained through a manufacturing process.  +
A material that undergoes chemical changes.  +
A material that undergoes electrochemical changes.  +
A mathematical entity based on a fundamental physics theory which defines the relations between physics quantities of an entity.  +
A mathematical string that express a relation between the elements in one set X to elements in another set Y.  +
A matter individual that stands for a real world object representing an amount of a physical substance (or mixture of substances) in different states of matter or phases.  +
A matter object throughout which all physical properties of a material are essentially uniform.  +
A measure of the wavelength-weighted power emitted by a light source in a particular direction per unit solid angle. It is based on the luminosity function, which is a standardized model of the sensitivity of the human eye.  +
A measurement unit symbol that do not have a metric prefix as a direct spatial part.  +
A measurement unit that is made of a metric prefix and a unit symbol.  +
A meson with spin two.  +
A meson with spin zero and even parity.  +
A meson with spin zero and odd parity.  +
A meson with total spin 1 and even parit.  +
A meson with total spin 1 and odd parit.  +